When I was a little girl

When I was a little girl I wanted many jobs in the future. First I dreamed was detective, like Conan Doyle novels not PDI 😹 when I was six years, I discovered the reason why the pets fishes of my aunt died. I searched all the trails and I concluded was my cousin because she got too much food and the fishes died for excess. Then I wanted to be sniper for shooter to the bad persons, but I understood to this wasn't my job 😔😔 because I have myopia and astigmatism, so I couln't seen the target 😹. In the High school I thought in Homeopathy because I read some of books abouth the topic and I liked the capacity of the plants to treated the persons. As well, I wanted to be flight attendant to traveled around the world. Finally in the third grade I decided for social Anthropology, in my own perspective, with the anthropology I can do all the activities somehow, maybe not evidently, but I can investigate; try to do some positive to the people; help persons and travel at the same time 👏👏👏 For this reason in the end I decided for Social Anthropology from crytical and practice perspective 💪. Actually, in my thrid year of career I feel happy even though I have to read much 😹 and I would like job on a project about gender or marginalization people in general. 

Bye~ 👯


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